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La newsletter di luglio di Pax Romana


È online l’ultima newsletter di Pax Romana – ICMICA (International Catholic Movement for Intellectual and Cultural Affairs), il network internazionale dei movimenti intellettuali cattolici del quale il Meic è socio e fondatore.

Ecco le ultime notizie.

5 July 2021
Synodality: what is it & what does it mean for lay movements?
As part of the preparation process for our 2021 Synodal Process , ICMICA has launched a series of international webinars exploring the meaning of #synodality for lay movements. On Saturday,…
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2 July 2021
Synodality – Where do we come from? Where are we going?
As part of the preparation process for our Synodal Path 2021, MIIC has launched a series of international webinars (seminars and virtual talks) that explore the meaning of #synodality for…
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28 June 2021
Synodality: what is it & what does it mean for lay movements? 
As part of the preparation process for our 2021 Synodal Process , ICMICA has launched a series of international webinars exploring the meaning of #synodality for lay movements. On Saturday,…
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10 June 2021
Democracy and the parliamentary system
Recently I was on a talk show where the topic under discussion was democracy and the parliamentary system. During the discussion, I was struck by the extent to which our…
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10 June 2021
Call for Proposals and Papers: “Rethinking Democracy”.
The COVID-19 pandemic has revealed and exacerbated a growing crisis in democratic forms of organizing. Over the past year, people have taken to the streets in countries across the globe,…
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